Tribute Wall
Plant a tree in memory of Anthony
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Monica Heron posted a condolence
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Dear Pamela and Philip, I was saddened to read about Tony's passing and offer you my deepest sympathies. As a colleague, a boss and a mentor, Tony was a delight to know and he offered sage advice with a wry humour that was memorable. During our mutual time in Hong Kong I have many memories of him and you both. I hope that your good memories of your lives with Tony will comfort you in the years to come. Such a lovely man!
With warmest regards,
John Fowell posted a condolence
Friday, January 22, 2016
Dear Pamela,
I always will remember Tony and yourself as amongst the finest Canadian representatives, as expressed so very well In his Obituary. I hope that the knowledge that others are thinking of you helps at this time. I am not in Ottawa, and very much regret not being able to attend today at St.Bartholomew's.
John Fowell
Elizabeth Halliday posted a condolence
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Dear Pam and Philip
New Zealand has lost a good friend and supporter in Tony. What a wonderful partner he was for you in your New Zealand adventures Pam. I was impressed by the way he threw himself into everything that New Zealand has to offer and by his positive and cheerful attitude. He was such an astute observer of the political landscape, and always with his trademark compassionate eye.
And I am grateful for the time we have all been able to spend together in Canada, visiting your college in Toronto, at the Carp fair, finding me a car and settling me into diplomatic life in Ottawa. Tony was always wise with advice and generous with his time, and free with his sharp sense of humour. He was the perfect gentleman. I did so enjoy his company.
It will be hard to adjust to life without Tony, and I wish you and Philip well in the that long journey. He will be there to guide you, in his gentle and thoughtful way. Take care, and conjure the good times as you deal with the bad. You have much to be thankful for.
Natasha Cayer posted a condolence
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Dear Pamela, Dear Philip,
I have so many warm memories of Tony as someone whose sharp mind and witty repartee were matched only by his warmth, patience and kindness. My thoughts are with you as you adjust to his departure, which is surely to heaven.
Take care, Natasha
Gallit Dobner posted a condolence
Thursday, January 21, 2016
My sincere condolences to Tony's family and friends at this very difficult time. I was very fortunate to work with Tony early on in my career at the Privy Council. He was a very wise and human presence in a tough, face-paced and demanding work environment. I will always remember him fondly and with admiration.
Jennifer May posted a condolence
Thursday, January 21, 2016
I was so terribly sorry to hear of Tony's passing. When he retired, I sent him a note to tell him that early in my career as a young desk officer, he was the first director that I met who actually asked us what we thought should be done rather than just telling us. And he clearly listened and cared. He was a true role model. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time.
Marilyn MacLean Denton posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Dear Pam,
This is an occasion where I wish I was still in Ottawa, singing with St. Bart's choir, as I would like to celebrate Tony's life with you and friends. I shared the news with the other Canadian teachers who were in Kingston, Jamaica in 1971 - 1973 and knew Tony because we all travelled together. Over the years, I was glad to reconnect with Tony when we shared a wall at LBP.
My heart is heavy to see such a fine man pass on too early in life. My thoughts will be of you, Philip and Tony on Friday.
Sincerely, Marilyn
Jim Colthart posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
I remember warmly our years together at UTS, sharing many memories of theatre productions and class assignments. While our paths did not cross during my five years in Washington, I know we shared many mutual friends in External Affairs, and know that his contributions to Canada's foreign service were highly regarded. We chatted all too briefly at our 50th reunion, the only time since we left the school when we got together at Nick's home. My heartfelt sympathies are with you Pam and the family.
Michael Parmenter posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
I was a classmate of Tony's at UTS and had the great pleasure of meeting up with him again at the 50th reunion in 2013.My wife and I both remember him well from that time because he very kindly gave us a ride back from Nick Smith's house to our hotel.
My heartfelt condolences to his family.
Nicholas Smith posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Tony was classmate of mine during our high school years at UTS in downtown Toronto. As happened to many of us, he moved away from the city, pursuing what proved to be a distinguished career in the federal civil service.
Many of us hadn't seen Tony more than once or twice in fifty years until he was able to travel to Toronto to attend our 50th class reunion in October 2013. An evening of catching up and reminiscing with him reiterated to all of us what a decent, thoughtful and erudite fellow he had become from the tall,quiet boy, who in looking back, always had the same qualities. My lasting remembrance of Tony over the years has been and will continue to be his star turn in our grade thirteen school production of Henry IV Part One, in the title role, a man balancing ruling a kingdom and attempting (with eventual success) to deal with a wilful, talented reluctant son. From the posted tributes it seems that Tony confronted and succeeded in solving many of the same types of things during his many postings in government service.
I'm sure that everyone in our class of 1963 would like to extend our condolences to all of Tony's immediate and extended family and to his friends and colleagues from his later life. RIP Tony.
Nick Smith, University of Toronto Schools Class of 1963
Yvonne Ackerman lit a candle
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My condolences. Although I did not know Tony very well, I was sad to hear of his passing. Wishing you and your son only happy memories of a wonderful human being. Unfortunately I am unable to attend the celebration of Tony's life on Friday.
God Bless.
(I worked w/you in Nairobi Feb-June 1979 when you returned to Ottawa for what was the start of a great career and your marriage to Tony)
Barbara Martin posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Dear Pam and Philip,
My deepest sympathy to you both on your loss. I do hope that you can take comfort in knowing how deeply respected and indeed loved Tony was by many of us who worked with him and came to know him. He was tremendously intelligent, with a terrific sense of humour but most of all he was kind. I still remember with a fond smile a wonderful evening of skating and eating with you two, an evening which included a surprise dash to PCO to rewrite a speech for a certain PM. He will be missed.
Benjamin Shinewald posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
I was so deeply upset to hear of this very sad news. Tony was a true mentor to me, hiring me through a youth employment strategy to work in Paris at the Mission to the OECD (noting that the program, which was intended for young people scattered across Canada, never explicitly precluded overseas hirings too). This changed my life, as it opened the world of public policy and international affairs to me. Tony was a key influence in my decision to go to Law School, and he also opened the door for me at Privy Council Office, where I never would have entered on my own. He was generous, thoughtful, interesting, smart, hard working and patient - the essence of a great public servant. My heartfelt condolences are with Pam and the family. He will be deeply missed.
Reid Morden posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Tony and I served together in Tokyo in the mid-70's. He was the greatest of colleagues and friends. The newspaper notice of his death and the memorial on the funeral home's site capture the essence of what made him such a valuable person. Professionally, he had, by my reckoning, an infinitely expandable mind and a truly great capacity for lateral thinking, coupled with the ability to articulate his views, orally and in writing. A truly great loss
John Noble posted a condolence
Monday, January 18, 2016
Dear Pam and Phillip,
My most sincere condolences on your loss. While I never worked directly with Tony, I knew of his excellent work and the solid reputation he developed within External and the Public Service at large.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
D'Arcy McGee posted a condolence
Monday, January 18, 2016
Pamela, I was very saddened to learn of Tony's death from the Globe and Mail today, although I had heard from our mutual friend, Brian Smith, that his condition had deteriorated recently.
Tony and I worked closely together in the Mid 1970's when we were both in the U.S trade policy group in Ottawa. Later I recall Tony giving me a briefing on Washington before my posting (replacing Brian) there in the late 80's. I regret that our paths didn't cross after that. But I have very fond memories of our brief time together in Ottawa. He was a brilliant man with a wonderful sense of humour and great enthusiasm.
I will miss him
D'Arcy McGee
Adele Dion posted a condolence
Monday, January 18, 2016
My sincere condolences to Pam, Philip and family. I was privileged to work with Tony when I was in Sylvia Ostry's office. A kind, considerate colleague, he saved the collective bacon of Mrs. Ostry's staff on numerous occasions. He had a real, very positive impact on everyone he dealt with, regardless of rank or position. He will not be forgotten.
Janet Green posted a condolence
Monday, January 18, 2016
My sincere condolences to Pam and Philip. It was a pleasure to work with Tony in Tokyo and to share in many adventures. I retain such fond memories of a wonderful posting.
Alice Yuen lit a candle
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Peter Campbell posted a condolence
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Dear Pam,
It was my good fortune to serve together with Tony at the embassy in Tokyo in the mid-1970’s. I liked him very much and had the pleasure of spending quite a bit of time with him, both professionally and socially. He was a lovely person to have as a friend, and from all accounts a wonderful husband and father.
Yoko joins me in sending our most sincere condolences to you and Philip.
Peter and Yoko Campbell
The family of Anthony Francis Burger uploaded a photo
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Please wait
James Wright posted a condolence
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Tony was a generous, thoughtful and lovely man. A mentor for many. He served with pride and distinction as a diplomat and public servant for Canada. Thoughts and prayers are with Pam and Philip and the extended family.
Jim Wright.
Dorothy and Gordon Craig posted a condolence
Sunday, January 17, 2016
So many wonderful memories of adventures with Tony in Japan - so many smiles and chuckles. Tony touched a lot of hearts, and will be missed by all of them. Our very sincere condolences to Pam and Philip.
Brian Smith posted a condolence
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Tony was a loyal friend, dedicated husband, loving father and an accomplished public servant. For over 45 years Tony was a source of wisdom and common sense advice for me. We will deeply miss his warm smile and generous heart. May he rest in peace.
Brian & Hideko
Eunice Lo & Lesley Lo posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, January 15, 2016

We are heartbroken to hear of Mr. Burger's passing. He was a wonderful CG, but even more so, a kind hearted & compassionate man. He reached out to his HK LES staff & made an effort to get to know them by carving time out of his busy schedule to meet them in groups. A photo would be taken, & afterwards, Mr. Burger would return to his office to write down their names & match it to the faces. Sometimes he would need a bit of help from Lesley & me with the names of our colleagues.
We will miss you Mr. Burger.
Our deepest condolences to Pam & Philip.
Eunice Lo & Lesley Lo
Dr Pierre Bourque posted a condolence
Friday, January 15, 2016
Deeply felt condolences to Pamela and the Burger family.
Anthony was a person with such kindness, such wonderful human qualities and class - the perfect gentleman in every respect. He will be sadly missed, but also remembered with great affection and admiration.
Dr Pierre R Bourque.
Eunice Wong posted a condolence
Friday, January 15, 2016
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. RIP Mr. Burger.
Stella Szeto lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Almond Ho lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Edwina Wong lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mr. Burger,
I will never forget the many kindnesses you have shown me during your time in Hong Kong. You have taught me so much. You were so much loved by all of us here and will be dearly missed. My thoughts and prayers to Pam and Philip during this difficult time.
"Those we love don't go away. They walk beside us every day... unseen, unheard but always near..."
Raymond Fan lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

RIP Mr. Burger!
Ivan Li lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Constance Yu posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mr. Burger, Thank you for your leadership, guidance and support during the SARS period. Rest in peace.
Our thoughts are with Pam and Philip during this difficult time.
Common Service
Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong
Vincent Li lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Agnes Cho lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Winnie Chung lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Alva Ho lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Winnie Hsu lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Winnie Ng lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Dolores Wong lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

My sincere condolences to the family of Mr. Burger, R.I.P. to Mr. Burger!!
Dolores Wong
Trade Commissioner Assistant
Lisa Wong lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Susanna Ching lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Andy H W Kong lit a candle
Thursday, January 14, 2016

DAVID DUHN posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Dear Pam and Philip,
I was so saddened to hear of Tony's passing. May he rest in that longed for peace! May you, also, enjoy peace in the silence of the heart!
Most sincerely, your neighbour,
David Duhn
Philomena Leung posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
I would like to express my sincere condolences to the family of Mr. Burger. We all miss you Mr. Burger.
Philomena Leung
Human Resources
Consulate General of Canada in HK
Philomena Leung lit a candle
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Esther Chan Shuk Fong posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Please accept my condolences on the passing of Mr. Burger. It was an honor to have known such a great person and I will truly miss him. May God embrace you in comfort during this difficult time.
The warmest thoughts from Esther Chan
Immigration Section
The Consulate General of Canada, Hong Kong.
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